Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pittsburgh Penguin Neck Tie

April 2009 Happy Easter 2009

FICA KNOW, SENHORA ( Stay with us Lord )

It 's free and spontaneous prayer, which, after a walk together, born in the hearts and mouths of the disciples of Emmaus. There comes a time in which the gift to be received really welcomed our initiative must pass through a concrete. They are the two disciples who, after Jesus has taken the 'initiative to walk with them, now take their own l’iniziativa di invitare quell’amico a restare per continuare a capire, ad accettare, a lottare e a sperare. Per accogliere la novità di vita che é sempre possibile.
· Resta con noi, Signore in questo tempo di crisi economica perché diventi motivo per ripensare un ordine economico diverso dove la dignità delle persone viene messa prima del profitto e dove, tramontando il tempo della finanza illusoria, si possa intravvedere la luce di una economia solidale.
· Resta con noi, Signore in questo tempo di terremoti dentro e fuori. Nessuno puó consolare chi ha perso i loro cari ma la gara di solidarietá che sta avvenendo in Italia e di cui ho avuto notizia attraverso la televisione brasiliana e i siti Internet is certainly an example for the whole world. There are moments for all those who live 'abroad where one feels proud of being Italian. And this show of national solidarity and certainly one of those moments.
· Rest with us, Lord, in this Easter season to rediscover the value of being a Church on the move, always looking for the true meaning of life, sharing the joys and sorrows of each person, making traveling companions, sustained by your presence human and glorious.


Here in Brazil the fiscal year begins in January and pastoral. But this being a month's leave together in July, virtually all starts with the month of March (schools, pastoral year, catechesis, ...). Lent is the time of the restart and the first Easter religious festival of the year.
In our parish we have not yet but we are walking a pastoral project following the directives of the Brazilian Church and our Diocese of São Luís. In truth our parish of Holy Trinity has just 4 years of life is being structured from experiences and experiments properly designed and verified.
few avenues for action:
1. missionary attention, with the effort to distinguish proselytizing by proclamation of the faith and the joy of meet the thirst for God in every home, with the fatigue of an environment crammed to the presence of Pentecostal and Evangelical Churches and the opportunity to test and purify our faith and our religion and make it more authentic and credible. We are experimenting with routes in key catechetical catechumenal taking as model the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and adapted to various ages and situations. In recent times I also had the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Forgiveness for married couples and entire families.
2. mission of the laity and their co-responsibility in the life of the Church. Thank goodness this shared responsibility is already a reality in mind, but with the increase of the priests, although still very low compared to other parts of the world, it is increasingly highlighting an atmosphere of sharing and mutual trust which is not as important as the role but the gift of God which results in specific service .
3. the presence of "foreigners." Our parish has the presence of four Italian priests (Claudio, Daniel, Luke and Horace) and a family of 6 (Paul and Louise with her children Emma, \u200b\u200bAlex, Adele and Mario). More is the presence of three sisters from an institute of Polish origin. Every day he takes the trouble of different mentalities, but also the beauty of a parish which has its own character and reminding us that we are here service.
4. attention to the poor who assumes many forms according to situations and people of means. Poverty is often accompanied by vice and violence. Here, the charity is not an emergency a few months but there is a growing need for a planning year, because the problems are not only structural, but also training, education, ....

for a continuous exchange :

· Now I have a personal blog which can be accessed directly from Google by clicking on "blog claudio Vallicella priest." Once opened you can save bookmarks to open it immediately next time.
· Continue updates of the mission you can find on the site of the Mission Center in Verona or at .
• A thank you to all those who help us with friendship, prayer and the help of fellowship.


mid-April to late May and Rev. Don Daniel Horace will be in Italy to visit relatives and friends to attend the ordination of priests who weds last year experienced 20 days in our mission. In September and October it's up to Don Luca visit Italy. It 'an opportunity to hear live our experience.
From June 21 to 27 the Bishop of Verona Joseph Zenti will be here in São Luís for visiting our mission and meet the Verona Latin American missionaries.
This year there are more visits here with us (representatives of the parish of golosina, relatives of the Family Annechini, Giuliana, ...).
The last week of May to Verona will be Dom José Maria Pires, Brazilian bishop church historian, former friend and collaborator of Dom Helder Camara. To find out the schedule of meetings please contact the Mission Center in the Diocese.

Registering A Boat Trailer In Ontario

project PEO PEO project in April 2009

PEO 2009-2010 The project has started on April 1 already with 150 children in seven different places. But every day there are new entries to reach within the next month the 220 planned. Unfortunately, some public schools have not yet started the school year or have started and stopped now unfit for use.
Project organization:
· it has formed a direction made by a priest (Don Claudio), an Italian educator, a Brazilian educator, a nun, two teachers and a university student. The task of management will guide all organizational aspects of the project and assist educators in particular visits to families and schools.
· are chosen educators 17 (out of 55 questions) that have participated at the end of May for a week of training.
. Within the project we organized another mini-educational project concerning emotional development and provides for two hours every fortnight. This is to help children rediscover the serenity and emotional motor, a prerequisite for school learning.

Thank You In Ceremony Program


1 - Problem: After analysis of the situation in the parish in the municipalities of São Luís and São José de Ribamar in the state of Maranhao in Brazil, with about 60,000 inhabitants in all, mostly from from different places of Maranhão with the invasion and occupation of land in 1996, shows the urgent need to provide better educational opportunities for children who make up the majority of the population in a place where there are inadequate and few schools with classes of more than 50 students. The parish, one of the poorest of the Diocese of São Luís, has been entrusted since 2005 to the pastoral care of "fidei donum" of the diocese of Verona (Italy). At this time the diocesan priests working there don Bellomi Orazio, Luca Mainenti Don, Don Soardo Daniel, Don Claudio Vallicella together with Paul and Louise Annechini Family with young Adele, Alex, Emma and Mario.

2 - supporting : E 'need to organize time and space to help learning school and the acquisition of a method of study, with special attention to children who are in a situation of social risk and academic difficulties. Especially since the Maranhão is recognized in the statistics of educational attainment as a state with a low index of school performance among the students in the first 4 years of elementary school. And all this continues for the lack of opportunities to stimulate learning and initiative interactive educational quality.

3 - Recent history: Already in the years 2007-2008, with the help of some parishes of the diocese of Verona and friends we have implemented a project that attempted to meet this problem with the participation of 220 boys and pretty good results. Spending in recent years was about € 33,300.00 divided between aid from Italy (80%) local authorities (11%) and contribution of families of children (9%). In the tests made in view of the project to be implemented over the next two years (2009-2010) were taken some care: the need
+, unfortunately still very large, to assist the literacy process of children. +
the need to support a more systematic, albeit with all due respect, families of children (many difficulties in school are linked to situations of distress that children living in the household). +
a greater communication on the grounds that the project is not intended to replace the school but to help a more fruitful and enthusiastic.
the light of the years 2007-2008 The Foundation for Justice and Peace embrace "(JPA), a foundation created by the priests" fidei donum "to give a legal form, legal and transparent to the social projects of the parish, decided to continue the experience for the next two years (2009-2010) and this is now working to raise funds and organize the new project.

4 - General Objective: To develop and improve the learning ability of children with difficulties, with relief efforts and strengthening education, putting in the middle of reading and writing skills into action for social development.

5 - Specific Objectives:
• Encourage school attendance of children and their engagement in their schools;
• Strengthen the development of awareness of school commitment;
• Improve concentration and learning with ' acquisition of a personalized study method;
• Creating the conditions for children to live in self and critical thinking skills;
• Maintain a "constant communication" with the families, to unite and empower the family, school and the project in 'only provision of training of children;
• Create reports for exchange of knowledge with school teachers to establish common principles of education so that children can identify in-school teachers and counselors in the adult figures as an important reference for their growth;
• Offer a "social service" in every community of the parish;
• Provide, in collaboration with other social projects, the ability to help children with disabilities.
• Prevent problems of social risk in a place where children live often abandoned by family and society;
• Ensure nutritional intervention for children with a snack daily;
• Create a good atmosphere, with organized games, where too playful to be a strategy of education to the rules of life.

6 - Organization and Responsibilities: The project
PEO is a project of the Educational Foundation of the JPA (Justice and Peace embrace): foundation created in our parish in 2007, registered in the Court of Justice of São Foundations Luís and acts in accordance with the Statutes and Internal Regulations of the same institution.
The main bodies to implement the project PEO are: the Foundation JPA (responsibility: Supervision, Administration and Bureaucracy), the team of priests (jurisdiction: choose the members of the project management and guidance PEO), the Directorate of PEO consists of a director or manager, a teacher or educator, and others (responsibility: to accompany and direct the project and select the children based on actual needs, talking with families, teachers and other social groups) guidelines (responsibility: to develop the project of education and guidance, especially with children), as Auxiliary Psychologist, Nutritionist, experts in different areas (responsibility: to help the management in implementing specific objectives of the project), Other Volunteers (responsibility: to help the work of education, preparation of snack, cleaning the environment, etc...) It will be important to include students in internships or volunteer university (education, physical education, psychology, social work, ...).

7 - Methodology:
Recipients: Approximately 220 children in the age group 7 to 10 years, with the schools, the "Pastoral Care of Children" project "Family Solidarity" and even free membership. Groups will be set in 8 different places to promote the participation of everyone close to their place of residence. Each group will consist of about 12 children.
or participation of parents is essential to the realization of the project the direct and indirect participation of parents and other people Family: Meetings of training, participation in meetings with their children with guidelines to learn to follow their children in school and educational development and preparation of snacks, cleaning and organization of the environment, maintenance, support and guidance to the organization of important moments: parties, games, theater, celebrations, etc..
or even a small registration fee is part of a process of empowerment of parents and tries to remove the tendency of welfarism.
or advisor :
1. Selection criterion: will be chosen by the priests through an application form with attachments
evidence of experience, mainly requires the following characteristics:
- the age of majority, a good curriculum and a certain willingness,
ensuring a constant presence, not only during the hours of work with children, but also
during the planning and organization of other moments provided.
- communities living in or near the place where activities will take place.
2. Training: mandatory training is provided either on the side of literacy and psycho-somatic and emotional.
3. Visit the guidance to families and schools together with any direction from the direction shall plan family visits to schools and children.
4. Programming: There are mandatory hours of programming in general meetings with all counselors. It will also provide tools for programming staff.
5. Gratification: The activities organized as part of a "social project". It is important to remember that there is a steady job with a salary but is provided adequate compensation for hours actually lived within the project (taking into account that this experience on the one hand and a help to the professionalization of counselors and the other is a small economic support to the families of those in an area where it is not easy to find work).
or activity: activity will be addressed for each child in order to meet its needs and overcome specific difficulties. Educational activities will be continually reviewed and redrafted in accordance with the needs of each child and the proposed objectives. There will be organized games (dance, theater, music and sports) where children can learn to live with the rules and enjoy the joy of sharing things (toys or other objects, ...).
or check the progress of children: Every 3 months, the Directorate of PEO with the aim will make tests to check the progress of children and will make a written report for each child on engagement, the results in reading and writing, the frequency , to stay and progress in school, the remaining challenges. Save the data to show parents, school teachers and entities directly involved in the project that will use them only for the comprehensive review and revision of methodology.
The minimum target is to achieve a continuous participation of 60% of children start to finish the project. Eventually 90% of children who complete the project must be able to know how to read a page of a book suitable for school age, with a maximum of 4 errors will be able to write a sentence with a minimum of 10 words, making a maximum of 3 errors; will be able to recognize numbers up to 50 with a maximum of 3 errors; must demonstrate through drawings evaluated by a psychologist to have reached an acceptable level of socialization and inner peace, must show, through school reports, a sufficient level of participation and interest in their school.
or Records: Activities will be implemented from Monday to Friday (mornings for children who attend school in the afternoon and in the afternoon for children who attend school in the morning) as two hours per shift during the months of April, May, June , August, September, October and November (the corresponding school year in Brazil). The project to be effective enough to think that education should be continuous with the same children for 2 years.

8 - Budget (at a rate of 2.50):
or charges in 2 years
Gratification for guidance
Merenda 29705.00 10815.00 2350.00

Educational Training for Parents and Counsellors 1150.00
Secretariat 6020.00

________________________________________ Total € 50,040.00

or revenue in 2 years by Italian contributions
35,028.00 (70%)
by Brazilian entities 10,008.00 (20%) from
Registration of Families and other activities (raffles, parties, ...) 5004.00 (10%) __________________________________________

Tot € 50,040.00 (100%)

9 - Budget Extraordinary and Optional:
Some environments require renovation or purchase of special material which while important are not urgent and can also be sent (painting, floors, toilets, refrigerators, stoves, ...) for a total approximately € 15,000.00.

10 - Final Result: Getting to a minimum but sufficient learning capacity of children in reading and writing skills and an ability to live with self-esteem and social confidence in the school.

11 - Final Day : JPA will be a celebration organized by the Foundation to close properly the experience and thank all the staff.

12 - spiritual guidance : When working with children is always the concern that nothing bad happens. Here in the midst of so much violence perceive a "spiritual adoption" of someone or some group praying to accompany the project is by far the best contribution.

13 - Communications : continuous and updated information through correspondence via internet and visits of "fidei donum" in Italy or visiting someone who comes from Italy. The Foundation will operate in the JPA transparency are therefore available to all receipts and documentation that can interest.
For information you can contact the Diocesan Mission Center in Verona or "The Kite Centre Minor Open in Verona, which also has a website dedicated to our mission (" ") or by writing directly to the Foundation JPA

14 - Verification: The project will have a permanent review by the Foundation and JPA in the end, the experience will be verified by all participants and supporters. At any time anyone can do the surveys and submit proposals or suggestions to the Foundation.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pleurisy. More Condition_symptoms

centenary of Dom Helder Camara

Dom Helder Camara
memory and prophecy in the centenary of his Birth 1909 - 2009

The largest Catholic nation in the world, Brazil also had a living witness to an active and conscious part of the option for justice and the poor . The little priest, and our world, not only speak for Brazil, but for all devices in the world. We are indebted to Dom Helder
organization of the former Bishops' Conference of the World, that of Brazil, the significant presence of the Church in Latin American work of Vatican II, a lifestyle of solidarity which is illuminated by the evangelical conscience.
There are people who will never be called holy (because with their criticisms have disturbed the great powers of the world) but which have contributed to the holiness of the Church.


"2000 years after Christ's birth, more than two thirds of humanity is in extreme poverty and hunger. More than two thirds of the Sons of God live in sub-human conditions. 20% of 'humanity consumes 80% of the wealth of the earth. 80% of humanity must be content with less than 20% of these same assets. "

" I'm hungry and thirsty for peace. Of this peace of Christ that sits in justice. I hunger and thirst for dialogue, and that's why I run everywhere to find what can bring people together in the name of the essential .. And speaking on behalf of those who are prevented from doing so. "

Someone knocked at my door.
"One day, someone knocked on my door. It was a poor man. Interrupted my meditation on the disciples of Emmaus: How did they not immediately recognize the Messiah? ... But the same happened with me in letting him go quickly with a small alms. "

The task of priests and bishops
" If I do not deceive me, we, people of the Church, we should make changes within the Church that we demand by the company. "

advice: take advantage of Centenary of Dom Helder Camara, learning more about him and his message (the Internet and libraries contain a lot of material) and update some of his prophecies!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Kates Playground Pierced

Some events that have marked the month of March in our mission:
  • L 'beginning of Lent and the Campaign of Fraternity which marks the entire pastoral year. This year's theme for the whole of Brazil and "fraternity and public safety" of biblical inspiration and the slogan is "Peace is the fruit of Justice" Isaiah 32:17.
  • The beginning of the Pastoral and Catechesis.
  • The Spiritual Exercises of the priests of the Diocese of São Luís to which we have participated in Verona.
  • death after several months of much suffering of the Bishop Emeritus of São Luís Paulo Ponte had asked the diocese of Verona and a partnership has welcomed and accompanied the first steps of our mission. Um when the funeral was very touching.
  • A little anecdote: one day a lady talking about his commitment to lay involvement in church priest reminded us that on the day of their ordination priests promise obedience to the bishop branch, while the laity do not promise obedience to the pastor or the day of Baptism or the day of Confirmation. This report underlines that the priests and laity is not of subordination but of responsibility.