Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pittsburgh Penguin Neck Tie

April 2009 Happy Easter 2009

FICA KNOW, SENHORA ( Stay with us Lord )

It 's free and spontaneous prayer, which, after a walk together, born in the hearts and mouths of the disciples of Emmaus. There comes a time in which the gift to be received really welcomed our initiative must pass through a concrete. They are the two disciples who, after Jesus has taken the 'initiative to walk with them, now take their own l’iniziativa di invitare quell’amico a restare per continuare a capire, ad accettare, a lottare e a sperare. Per accogliere la novità di vita che é sempre possibile.
· Resta con noi, Signore in questo tempo di crisi economica perché diventi motivo per ripensare un ordine economico diverso dove la dignità delle persone viene messa prima del profitto e dove, tramontando il tempo della finanza illusoria, si possa intravvedere la luce di una economia solidale.
· Resta con noi, Signore in questo tempo di terremoti dentro e fuori. Nessuno puó consolare chi ha perso i loro cari ma la gara di solidarietá che sta avvenendo in Italia e di cui ho avuto notizia attraverso la televisione brasiliana e i siti Internet is certainly an example for the whole world. There are moments for all those who live 'abroad where one feels proud of being Italian. And this show of national solidarity and certainly one of those moments.
· Rest with us, Lord, in this Easter season to rediscover the value of being a Church on the move, always looking for the true meaning of life, sharing the joys and sorrows of each person, making traveling companions, sustained by your presence human and glorious.


Here in Brazil the fiscal year begins in January and pastoral. But this being a month's leave together in July, virtually all starts with the month of March (schools, pastoral year, catechesis, ...). Lent is the time of the restart and the first Easter religious festival of the year.
In our parish we have not yet but we are walking a pastoral project following the directives of the Brazilian Church and our Diocese of São Luís. In truth our parish of Holy Trinity has just 4 years of life is being structured from experiences and experiments properly designed and verified.
few avenues for action:
1. missionary attention, with the effort to distinguish proselytizing by proclamation of the faith and the joy of meet the thirst for God in every home, with the fatigue of an environment crammed to the presence of Pentecostal and Evangelical Churches and the opportunity to test and purify our faith and our religion and make it more authentic and credible. We are experimenting with routes in key catechetical catechumenal taking as model the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and adapted to various ages and situations. In recent times I also had the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Forgiveness for married couples and entire families.
2. mission of the laity and their co-responsibility in the life of the Church. Thank goodness this shared responsibility is already a reality in mind, but with the increase of the priests, although still very low compared to other parts of the world, it is increasingly highlighting an atmosphere of sharing and mutual trust which is not as important as the role but the gift of God which results in specific service .
3. the presence of "foreigners." Our parish has the presence of four Italian priests (Claudio, Daniel, Luke and Horace) and a family of 6 (Paul and Louise with her children Emma, \u200b\u200bAlex, Adele and Mario). More is the presence of three sisters from an institute of Polish origin. Every day he takes the trouble of different mentalities, but also the beauty of a parish which has its own character and reminding us that we are here service.
4. attention to the poor who assumes many forms according to situations and people of means. Poverty is often accompanied by vice and violence. Here, the charity is not an emergency a few months but there is a growing need for a planning year, because the problems are not only structural, but also training, education, ....

for a continuous exchange :

· Now I have a personal blog which can be accessed directly from Google by clicking on "blog claudio Vallicella priest." Once opened you can save bookmarks to open it immediately next time.
· Continue updates of the mission you can find on the site of the Mission Center in Verona or at .
• A thank you to all those who help us with friendship, prayer and the help of fellowship.


mid-April to late May and Rev. Don Daniel Horace will be in Italy to visit relatives and friends to attend the ordination of priests who weds last year experienced 20 days in our mission. In September and October it's up to Don Luca visit Italy. It 'an opportunity to hear live our experience.
From June 21 to 27 the Bishop of Verona Joseph Zenti will be here in São Luís for visiting our mission and meet the Verona Latin American missionaries.
This year there are more visits here with us (representatives of the parish of golosina, relatives of the Family Annechini, Giuliana, ...).
The last week of May to Verona will be Dom José Maria Pires, Brazilian bishop church historian, former friend and collaborator of Dom Helder Camara. To find out the schedule of meetings please contact the Mission Center in the Diocese.


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