Friday, May 1, 2009

New Baby Arrival Email Sample


Hello dear readers today I wanted to dedicate this speech to Dante Alighieri. I have to admit that if you read his most famous work The Divine Comedy that is not understood anything. To understand in depth should also read the notes that are in the bottom of each book. Maybe it is the way he explains how the law, but as the interpreter is there to say that my Italian teacher Antonio Cioffi made me fall in love with this wonderful work. Until now, after strikes, sick leave, and holidays with the curriculum we got to the third part of hell. I hope it's going to continue to explain this megnifica. The song that struck me most is the sixth. You might but wondering if you studied up to third, how do you know the sixth? The answer is simple and esaudiente: I studied at home by himself. For those who does not know or remember questopera is difficult to leave directly from there and then I'll make a brief summary. As you know Dante is in the early dark sela. This place is horrible macabre, in the figurative sense is a simple wood at night full of snares and traps. In the allegorical meaning that what he wanted to represent Dante esprire sin. Dante sees a lighted hill, and not a hill with a neon lamp, but well above the path of salvation and he goes in that direction. As he walks, he meets three animals. Do not have escaped from the zoo represent insurmountable but the three sins of man. They are the loin (a kind of leopard), the lion and the wolf. They nell'oridne how I wrote them are always in the allegorical meaning, the lussioria, the intellectual arrogance and the wolf as the most feared animal, human greed. Dante is a bit self-described as' timid back. Back on his feet while he meets the famous Roman poet Virgil (70-19 BC). When he meets these are the famous lines "Have pity on me," cried he, whoever you are shade or real man. Means letteralemnte have mercy on me whoever you are shadow (soul) or man (man).
Dante I do not remember how many verses he wrote his answer is longish to write. Basically, in the end after all this allegory unknown is identified as the Latin poet Virgil, who wrote The Aeneid. This poet, who in all the designs of the period is represented with a blue cap, and guides in the three worlds beyond this world. Hell Purgatory and Paradise. Dante does not want to get in because as I said before has a bit of fear. Virgil with his verse convinces him to enter. She took him in hand like two lovers together and come hell. He will accompany him to the purgatory because they are not baptized can not go to Heaven. Li will be accompanied by Beatrice. I will not explain how the group because we would have to be written but it's important to know that there are seven. We're after the door to hell (part III) where they are punished antiferno the sloth. This category of people living passively and does not take decisions only think you own business. Dante puts nell'antiferno just because he says they do so lousy that even the most hell instill accept them. Passed directly to V singing with Paolo and Francesca. He appreciates Paolo and Francesca, because he's always been in love with Beatrice at the time but since marriages were combined was forced to marry Gemma Tamed. In this song (V) the law of retaliation is represented by a turbine (a kind of hurricane) that separates those who have betrayed love. As we will see only Paolo and Francesca in the turbine rotating with its why Dante is how rispiecchiasse in them. Dante after writing the poetic verses of the fifth song faints. Dante is supposed to justify not know how it goes from place to place, then bringing to the stage made of fainting. Then this is so mysterious that even today there are doubts about some of the songs. For the benefit of the doubt, accept what the textbooks tell us to be true. After recovering, I do not know why it is like for the in the third circle of hell (part VI). I speak particularly of this song that I think represents me more. Dante and Virgil as they walk in the mud and the smell of manure in front of them appears Chaco. He is a character mentioned in addition to Dante by Giovanni Boccaccio in his novel. This is one name that you gave and still gives you the figure of a pig. Chaco was simply intended as a diminutive of the names Jacob and James. We do not know which of the two meanings have wanted to understand Dante, but it is likely that he meant both interpretations as valid. Leaves room for numerous interpretations, such as that of Francis by Brutus one of the earliest commentators of the Commedia, which suggests a derogatory nature of this name: "Chaco say that some days is called a pig, so he was named to the greediness her ". In fact, the use of the word as a synonym for pork Chaco is not documented before the text Dante. From the words of Dante, we know only that he was still alive when Dante was born, so it can be assumed to be a character of the generation older than the poet. Generally not accepted, because no plausible response, is the identification with the poet dell'Anguillara Chaco. His character has traits of grotesque, for its sudden appearance, for his sudden silence (and longer f 'word ... "I say no more and no more I answer" ) and for that his twisted way of looking at Dante's eyes at the end of the episode, perhaps the effort to sit while his fate Push back down, perhaps because riassalito the brutality of his round after knowing those few moments of lucidity which was granted to speak with Dante. After the interview Virgil explains to Dante how it will be their punishment after the Last Judgement. That concludes the sixth song. I would like to make a
domenda to all readers, school Italian school study only the highlights of this magnificent songs ever work? How do you read a book like this? Without a conseguzio templum is possible according to you? Among all recipients of this assistance is also coming to my teacher of Italian and I hope you give me a brief answer and esaudiente. Not continuous because I would need to continue around the web, but then I will be sure decrease the reader's attention ... At the next review


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