Saturday, January 24, 2009

Homemade Water Feachers

Horace Perry

I have to admit my books writers and poets do not follow the correct timeline. From Agatha Christie to be a period, 1900 to pass Horace. I must say that indirectly, this author has advised me that the teacher is the teacher in two different ways. The professor advising a book called "Sophie's World" is the Italian teacher who according to a philosophical thought. He looked back to Socrates (in the book listed above) here is the link between the two. I hope those who follow me, not bore them. I only hope to disseminate information.
Here is his life his deeds, practically everything there is to say about him.

Horace, Quintus Horatius Flaccus in Latin Latin poet was a master of elegance and style with unusual irony was able to deal with the vicissitudes of political and civil its time to calm epicurean lover of the pleasures of life, said what many are even the canons of 'ars vivendi .

The poet, then, was of humble origins, but of good economic condition. Horace, therefore, followed a regular course of study in Rome under the teaching of the grammarian Orbilio and then to Athens where he studied philosophy and greek Here he came into contact with the lesson and Epicurean, though he felt particularly drawn, however, decided not to participate in school. The poet expressed his gratitude to his father in a tribute in Satires (I, 6).

Maecenas gave him a small estate in Sabina's very pleasing to the poet who, in perfect observance of the modus vivendi preached by Epicurus, did not like city life. With his poetry often did measures of propaganda for the emperor Augustus, though, to be honest, at this time Octavian left a greater compositional freedom to its poets (a tendency which was, however, reversed after the death of Maecenas: witness the biography of Ovid). He died in November of

'8 BC and was buried on the hill Esqulino, next to his friend Maecenas, who died just two months earlier.

Since the first century BC the Romans began to lose faith in the religious system of paganism, no longer suited to provide adequate answers to the great existential questions of the Roman world. Paganism is reduced more and more to a set of rituals and liturgies practiced not as harbingers of a deeper esoteric meaning, spiritual and religious traditions, but as related to the mos maiorum cultural identity and, above all, civil right of every Roman. Behind a facade of pagan religion, there are no certainties, but the void left by the lack of response to the great existential questions in an imperial society increasingly cosmopolitan. The man in Rome, or at least all those who enjoyed a certain culture, they feel this emptiness, this fear, this insecurity and look elsewhere in the Hellenistic philosophy of the certainties they feel deprived, because of the disappearance of a set of values \u200b\u200bwell defined as it was in the Republican era. This feeling of spiritual insecurity, transmitted by most of the literary class of the century by Lucretius to Catullus to Horace before arriving at Seneca is common. Therefore, the crisis of any proportion of paganism the reason the wide dissemination in the first century BC Dell 'epicuresimo intellectual circles in Rome. In this period arise in the main Epicurean circles Roman cities, like Naples, where he probably knew Virgil and Horace Vario subsequently introduced him to Maecenas Epicureanism wanted to dispel any doubt and existential anguish about the death, seeing it as the ultimate cancellation of the sensory perception, the end, sure, the suffering and anguish land. Death is thus seen as a serene, but not happy, free from life as it happens in the death of both body and soul (both being material substances). If Epicurus there is a reaction of joy in the face of these claims, this sentiment is hardly found in other Roman intellectuals who adhered to the philosophy before the eternal nothingness of death, with a feeling of horror at the same vacuous also Lucretius, who, while sometimes almost mythical painting with Epicurus, rerum inventor, however, fails to fully embrace the liberating message of this philosophy. The Epicurean then fail to remedy the evil du siecle living Romania, will not be able to fill the void left by the crisis of the system not only religious but also from that of republican institutions, a crisis that has destroyed the certainties and the cultural background and social man in Rome.

Orazio partially adheres to Epicureanism, who was also looking for answers on major issues existential answers that actually will never find: the poet seems to have never escaped the anguish of death, increasingly perceived as imminent. It is interesting to analyze the view that the Latin poet had the afterlife, as it is undoubtedly very sincere, and, though veiled by a degree of certainty, that Horace wanted to convey to the reader, to be a living example of Golden mediocritas he is so excited on many occasions a vein of melancholy, accompanied by notes of dark lyricism and elegance, betrays his true inner state. Horace appears in flashes, like maybe he really was: a man who has found refuge in life from death, but in truth has never been able to take care of all the fear of death, preferring to flee rather than fight stoically. His personality may thus be, at first sight, ambiguous, this ambiguity arises from the discrepancy that sometimes it creates between the image that Horace wanted to give of himself, and the true personality of the poet that inevitably passes through the lines: non- If, as claimed Paoli Ugo Errico "nothing [...] seems as difficult as to penetrate the soul of Horace." Horace the representation of the mold is still a strong epicurean, and is sealed in the best way to claim, not without a melancholy note, as expressed in his ode 7 of Book IV:

" Pulvis et umbra Sumus "

In this statement Horatio is able to express not only his views on death, but also the anxiety that invests in life, just depending on others and some cancellation of the earthly experience. From the verses of Horace, when the poet speaks of death, it is really difficult to see a note of serenity, joy, the feeling prevails that instead and that is identified in the psychological reaction of the poet in the face of death is a sad acceptance of what is a natural fact. In particular, this sentiment is expressed in his ode 14 of Book II, in which he says (vv. 8 -12):

[...] ... sad unda, Scilicet omnibus
quicumquae terrae munere vescimur,
enaviganda, sive sive Reges
inopes erimus
settlers. "

These verses express what we perceive Orazio grim death and a source of great anxiety: it is represented here as a swamp ( unda, a word which already anticipates the sound the concept that is being expressed, and reinforces the symbolism of which is the subject: death = swamp), which combines the adjective "Triste" (sad ), which brings with it a deep sense of inevitability. The marsh alluded to the poet Horace is the Styx show is here, as in many other occasions, their knowledge and pagan mythology, in which however does not believe at all. In this case, the mythological reference has symbolic value, and is useful not only to express the concept of death, but also to make more vivid and expressive poetry. Instead Scilicet (as is natural) states a fact: the inevitability of death, to which there is no way to escape. This concept is actually being repeated here, but had already been given at the beginning of the ode:

" ... nec pietas Moramo
Rugis et instants senectae
Adfert indomitaeque
dead. "

religion is vain and useless, unable to put a remedy ( Moramo ) all'incalzante old age and death: this is the point of view of the poet about religion, and reflected a common sentiment and extended throughout the Roman world of the century. Religion is now unable to give sufficient explanation for life after death, religious fervor ( pietas ) can not save man from his natural condition of death.

It's really a great difference which exists between the attack and criticism that Lucretius had made against the religious , accused of tarnishing the reason and to create unnecessary hardships and anxieties, and this, which sounds more like a sad finding of inability to be calmed by a religion in which we no longer believe. Central in verses 8-12 is the gerund enaviganda , which fully expresses the inevitability and certainty of death, not without a hint of dark and melancholy, as already anticipated by sad unda . It is already clear from these few verses had the perception that Horatio's death, the perception that explains the reasons for his choice of life: a life characterized by enjoying the present and the few joys that life offers us (identified mainly in friendship, in banquet, in inner peace) and that allow us to live with serenity and stability. Horace is sometimes very pessimistic: death is always lurking and life could end at any time and is better, therefore, do not place their hopes in the future. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe brevity of life (which is also found in Catullus: brevis lux ) Is a further invitation to enjoy life as much as possible, a concept that we find in many ways, as 11 of Book I of ode:

" Dum ... loquimur fugerit envy
Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum postero
credulous. "

Time is in perpetual flight, which leaves no hopes for the future: we must make the most of the time it is granted, and consider each day that we are given as a gift, as well as nine states ode of Book I (vv.14-15: "... Quem Fors DIERUM cumque dabit, profit / Adpone ...") . It is clear from these verses of Horace as existentialism is transversal to all its poetry and vision of death as the conditions so that the net experience of the poet's life, there is vividly described by his poetry

Horace is considered by one of the most important classical Latin poets. Many of his phrases have become idioms still in use: examples are gold and carpe diem mediocritas well as profane vulgus Odi et Arceo

I hope that this detailed study was clear and precise.

At the next review or investigation as appropriate.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clogged Arteris And Vitiligo


As you know, the poems come when you least expect it. As Dante was aware of losing the way of good well I found out myself. This is a very personal poem. The types of surface, like my friends, I ridno above, whereas if you read carefully you will find an allegorical sense and deep. Always an early copy of the divine comedy, but it is not. Invite genitili readers not to be superficial.

Help Perry "
Came in 3rd accounting
I lost the straight path,
before I was in another neighborhood, now I'm
Corso V. Emanuele. There I was happy and blessed

here are sad and sentenced.
I was happy as a clam
but here I want to cut off his head.
do not know who I am following
but on the bad way I'm going
Before I was nice and dry
now I'm ugly as a camel. I have so

accusations that the head of Perry Mason is melted.
Perhaps there is still time: For
please do not make me go inside.

Adult Star Pinky Homepage

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

Today I felt a bit 'fed up, I fished in my wall, poetry, and I resume this. Even I as a friend of mine, today I had a bad day. To help her, I rediscovered this poem that I kept hidden in a remote part of my personal computer. Thanks to my friend, and poetry, I felt alive and full of life. So now the public. So when I read enough that I open my spaces. This is a poem that does not so much reflect underestimate. Re-read it several times to grasp the allegorical meaning.

If you can keep your head when all
about you are losing, and you make it a fault;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance
having their doubts;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about
not deal in lies, Or being hated
not give way to hating, And yet not look too good

nor talk too wise

If you can dream and not make dreams your master;
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with
the Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted
by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things
, for which you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build
with your worn out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your victories,
And risk it all in one go heads or tails,
and lose, and start all over again
never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart, your nerves , your wrists
to carry you after a long time since you hear them more,
and so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will
who tells them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings
without losing the common touch, can not hurt you
If neither foes nor loving friends;
If all men count with you , but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
valuing every moment that passes,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
and - most importantly - you'll be a Man my son!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Polyp More Condition_symptoms

literary Hermeticism

The term, coined in 1936 by Francesco Flora, refers to the idea of \u200b\u200ba spell of the poetic word. The basis of this movement, which had as big of decadent French model, as Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Valéry, is a group of poets, called Hermes, which followed the teachings of Joseph Ungheretti and Eugenio Montale

Hermeticism The term means a poem closed (sealed) and deliberately complex, through a succession of analogies difficult to interpret, without a touch of a noumenon often unfathomable. This term also refers to the magical and mystical figure of Hermes Trismegistus (thrice great), which had been assigned texts and spiritual mystery of the second or third century after Christ, inspired by the ancient Egyptian wisdom, hidden in the enigmatic language of hieroglyphics.

hermetic poets pursue the ideal of "pure poetry free" by any practical purpose, no educational purpose. The central theme of hermetic poetry is the sense of desperate loneliness of modern man who has lost faith in traditional values, in the positivist and romantic myths of civilization and has no certainty that anchor it firmly. He lives in an incomprehensible world devastated by wars and dictatorships for so offended by the poet has a hopeless outlook on life, devoid of illusions. They reject the word as an act of communication to let only the evocative. The poem is a poem to the hermetic state of mind, inner folding expressed in a subdued tone and collected, with an elegant and evocative language that blurs any direct reference to the experience in a game of allusions. Inside

Hermeticism has two strands: Catholic and secular or historical or Purist. The first trend is the theme of 'absence' which is also "waiting" to a figure of salvation, in the purist vein is the analogy to be complex, since it is farther from the truth. In the current historical records, however, the analogy is closer to reality These two strands are not opposed but close.

The hermetic form of analogy is used to represent the tragic condition of human isolation in a space to protect the inner fascist rhetoric.

Hermetic poets were inspired by the second book of Ungaretti, or "Feeling of Time", where there were similarities in this complex, then we can consider as a precursor of the Hermetic Ungaretti.

In the field of hermetic authoritative criticism was that the figure of Carlo Bo, with his speech as life Literature in 1938, wrote the manifesto hermetic talking about poetry as a moment of 'absolute. Among the other theorists and critics of Hermeticism remember Oreste Macri, Giansiro Ferrata, Luciano and the same Anceschi Mario Luzi

style difficult and closed in the search for analog form, together with the deepening of a hidden inner experience, this distinguished group, refusing a direct every political and social commitment, he tried to break away from the fascist culture. Among these young intellectuals, some took positions as anti-fascist Bilenchi Romano, Elio Vittorini, Alfonso Gatto and Vasco Pratolini. Tradition is the best ally of Hermeticism.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cubefield Small Screen

"A crime to take place"

A murder takes place Friday, October 29th at half past six pm, in the cottage La Cicala. Friends are requested to want to accept this warning, it will not be repeated. "This was written on the front page of the local newspaper. Everybody believed that it was a costume party. Time of the alleged crime, which later proved to be true, has opened a door and a guy said threateningly, and cold like the blade of a sword, "hands up" and then fired. The first shot, he went to empty the second one was about himself. Now the books of Agatha Chritie are comparable to the cake by Christian De Sica film. Change location, change the actors (in this case, people), but the concept remains the same. Not fraintendetimi I do not mean that they are not beautiful, but as we all now are a little 'rates. I must say the only thing that inspires me to read these books, is the that the author, during his novel whatever it is, always hunting twists that nobody expects. To be honest, even I would go to the appointment. It will be a fact and my own, but I've always been attracted to all that is enigmatic, mysterious, dark, gloomy and adjectives of this kind. I must say that now after this book, change and generally point to a philosophical book. Then read rimprenderò yellow as usual. As I am developing a ecclittica mind, I can not stop the yellow kind. I'm also doing collezzione George Simenon (author of thrillers I've listed in previous) to compare the writing. Usually when we talk about Agatha Christie, as image par excellence, there is that of detective Hercule Poirot. In this case, it is not him but Miss Juane Purple. From a search, said that when he wrote the character, the author has been inspired by his grandmother. The two characters have never met because they have two completely different ways of thinking. One of the antithesis of the other. The book even at the beginning may be boring, but thanks to the old woman, witty, fresh and perky becomes beautiful. If you noticed I said earlier that the second shot was aimed at him. I too thought it was the case. Miss Purple Juane proved me wrong. I can not tell what happened or you'll ruin the surprise. I suggest you read for two reasons. One because now are affezzionato to this author, and will defend it until proven otherwise, as the second reason but not least, because this book is the quintessential Gill.