Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cubefield Small Screen

"A crime to take place"

A murder takes place Friday, October 29th at half past six pm, in the cottage La Cicala. Friends are requested to want to accept this warning, it will not be repeated. "This was written on the front page of the local newspaper. Everybody believed that it was a costume party. Time of the alleged crime, which later proved to be true, has opened a door and a guy said threateningly, and cold like the blade of a sword, "hands up" and then fired. The first shot, he went to empty the second one was about himself. Now the books of Agatha Chritie are comparable to the cake by Christian De Sica film. Change location, change the actors (in this case, people), but the concept remains the same. Not fraintendetimi I do not mean that they are not beautiful, but as we all now are a little 'rates. I must say the only thing that inspires me to read these books, is the that the author, during his novel whatever it is, always hunting twists that nobody expects. To be honest, even I would go to the appointment. It will be a fact and my own, but I've always been attracted to all that is enigmatic, mysterious, dark, gloomy and adjectives of this kind. I must say that now after this book, change and generally point to a philosophical book. Then read rimprenderò yellow as usual. As I am developing a ecclittica mind, I can not stop the yellow kind. I'm also doing collezzione George Simenon (author of thrillers I've listed in previous) to compare the writing. Usually when we talk about Agatha Christie, as image par excellence, there is that of detective Hercule Poirot. In this case, it is not him but Miss Juane Purple. From a search, said that when he wrote the character, the author has been inspired by his grandmother. The two characters have never met because they have two completely different ways of thinking. One of the antithesis of the other. The book even at the beginning may be boring, but thanks to the old woman, witty, fresh and perky becomes beautiful. If you noticed I said earlier that the second shot was aimed at him. I too thought it was the case. Miss Purple Juane proved me wrong. I can not tell what happened or you'll ruin the surprise. I suggest you read for two reasons. One because now are affezzionato to this author, and will defend it until proven otherwise, as the second reason but not least, because this book is the quintessential Gill.


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