Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Polyp More Condition_symptoms

literary Hermeticism

The term, coined in 1936 by Francesco Flora, refers to the idea of \u200b\u200ba spell of the poetic word. The basis of this movement, which had as big of decadent French model, as Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Valéry, is a group of poets, called Hermes, which followed the teachings of Joseph Ungheretti and Eugenio Montale

Hermeticism The term means a poem closed (sealed) and deliberately complex, through a succession of analogies difficult to interpret, without a touch of a noumenon often unfathomable. This term also refers to the magical and mystical figure of Hermes Trismegistus (thrice great), which had been assigned texts and spiritual mystery of the second or third century after Christ, inspired by the ancient Egyptian wisdom, hidden in the enigmatic language of hieroglyphics.

hermetic poets pursue the ideal of "pure poetry free" by any practical purpose, no educational purpose. The central theme of hermetic poetry is the sense of desperate loneliness of modern man who has lost faith in traditional values, in the positivist and romantic myths of civilization and has no certainty that anchor it firmly. He lives in an incomprehensible world devastated by wars and dictatorships for so offended by the poet has a hopeless outlook on life, devoid of illusions. They reject the word as an act of communication to let only the evocative. The poem is a poem to the hermetic state of mind, inner folding expressed in a subdued tone and collected, with an elegant and evocative language that blurs any direct reference to the experience in a game of allusions. Inside

Hermeticism has two strands: Catholic and secular or historical or Purist. The first trend is the theme of 'absence' which is also "waiting" to a figure of salvation, in the purist vein is the analogy to be complex, since it is farther from the truth. In the current historical records, however, the analogy is closer to reality These two strands are not opposed but close.

The hermetic form of analogy is used to represent the tragic condition of human isolation in a space to protect the inner fascist rhetoric.

Hermetic poets were inspired by the second book of Ungaretti, or "Feeling of Time", where there were similarities in this complex, then we can consider as a precursor of the Hermetic Ungaretti.

In the field of hermetic authoritative criticism was that the figure of Carlo Bo, with his speech as life Literature in 1938, wrote the manifesto hermetic talking about poetry as a moment of 'absolute. Among the other theorists and critics of Hermeticism remember Oreste Macri, Giansiro Ferrata, Luciano and the same Anceschi Mario Luzi

style difficult and closed in the search for analog form, together with the deepening of a hidden inner experience, this distinguished group, refusing a direct every political and social commitment, he tried to break away from the fascist culture. Among these young intellectuals, some took positions as anti-fascist Bilenchi Romano, Elio Vittorini, Alfonso Gatto and Vasco Pratolini. Tradition is the best ally of Hermeticism.


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