Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thornton Square Waxing


Arezzo, c. 68 BC - 8 AD), born of an ancient Etruscan family was an influential adviser to Agusto.Formò a circle of intellectuals and poets who protected, encouraged and supported in their artistic production. Among these may include Horace Virgil and Propertius Many works of these poets are dedicated to him. With this attitude he contributed effectively to raising the tone of literary and cultural life of the era of Augustus. His action was also support for the imperial regime that Augustus was imposing: Many of the works produced with the support of Maecenas helped to illustrate the image of Rome and also to support some policy actions of the emperor. In particular Virgil 's Aeneid provides a mythical genealogy in Rome in general and in particular to Augustus that he was preparing his own deification, also advocated another idea with Georiche Augustan propagating the revival of agriculture in Italy. He was for many years, the closest friend of Augustus as well as the closest collaborator. He gave way to a genuine literary circle. Not be forgotten, however, the political action of advice: in many ways is the basis of the structure date to the Roman State by Octavian with the traditional institutions (the Senate and magistrates in particular) devoid of meaning and creation of an apparatus administration based on the involvement of equites.
According to the testimony of Propertius (Elegies, II, 1, vv. 25 - 30) seem to Maecenas participated in the campaigns of Modena and Filippi Perigo He boasted of its ancient Etruscan lineage, and review the descent from the princely house of Cilnio, thing that was the origin of jealousy of his countrymen, as they were considerable wealth and influence in Arezzo in the fourth century BC (Livy X, 3). Tacitus (Annals, VI, 11) calls him "Cilnio Maecenas," and can "Cilnio" was the name of the mother, and that was the cognomeUn Maecenas Gaius Maecenas is mentioned by Cicero (Pro Claudio, 56) as influential member of the 'equestrian order in 91 BC that could have been his grandfather or his father. From the evidence of Horace (Odes, III, 8, 5) and the literary texts of the same patron, it is clear that he had benefited from higher educational levels of the time. His great wealth may have been largely inherited, but owed his position and influence thanks to the close ties with the Emperor Augustus.
He made his appearance in public life in 40 BC, when Octavian's moglieScribonia granted, after which he took part in the peace negotiations and reconciliation in Brindisi with Marco Antonio as a friend and adviser, he always acted as director of Augustus when he was at ' abroad. In recent years the relationship became colder, probably in part because Augustus had had an affair with his wife Terentia. Before he died he appointed as sole Augustus. Heir. In 39 BC Maecenas Vario Rufo introduced Horace and Virgil in his circle. In the "journey to Brindisi" (Horace, Satires, I, 5), which took place in 37 BC, it is said that Maecenas Cocciero Mark and great grandfather of the future emperor Nerva Nerva, had an important mission, then create a treaty, the Treaty of Taranto reconciliation between the two great enemies. During the war with Sextus Pompey in 36, he returned to Rome and was granted the supreme administrative control in Italy was Vicegerent of Octavian at the Battle of Actium, when, with great firmness, smothered in secret the conspiracy of the young Marcus Lepidus and during the subsequent absence of Octavian in the provinces.
In recent years his favor with Emperor diminuì.Svetonio (Life of Augustus, 66) attributes the cause of Maecenas all'indiscrezione Terentia with his wife about the conspiracy in which the brother Murena was implicated, but, according to Dio Cassius' s Emperor had a relationship with Terentia. Maecenas died in 8 BC, leaving all his wealth to the emperor, after the emperors wanted to continue to accumulate treasure and sponsor the artists, so that one of the most important departments of the court - in effect was to Treasury - Became the largitiones, literally donations, even though most of the costs were more pragmatic purpose.
Although opinions were mixed on the person Maecenas, was the unanimous testimony on his administrative and diplomatic skills. He shared the dream of a new order of the empire, to reconcile the parties, to save him from danger. Above all, historians believe that thanks to his influence that policy has become more human Octavian after his first alliance with Antony and Lepidus. The best summary of his character as a man and statesman, is by Marco Patercolo Velleius (ii. 88), which describes it as''Sleepless in supervision and emergencies, far-sighted act, but in times of withdrawal from the affairs of a most luxurious and effeminate woman.'' From some passages in the Odes of Horace (II, 17, A) we can deduce that the patron did not physical strength typical of most of the Romans.
Maecenas also wrote literary works, both prose and verse. There were twenty fragments show that he had less success as an author and as a patron of letters.
His subjects are varied (Prometheus, style dialogues Symposium - a reception which was attended by Virgil and Horace Mesalla Corvino), De worship her (like a biography) and In the poem Octaviam ("Against Octavia") which is not clarifying the content, but was ridiculed by Augustus, Seneca and Quintilian for the style, the use of rare parolee and the awkward transpositions. According to Dio Cassius, Maecenas was also the inventor of a shorthand system
Maecenas is famous for its support for young poets, so that his name has become synonymous with the patron of artists. Virgil wrote the Georiche in his honor and it was he who, impressed by the poetry of Horace introduced him to Maecenas. In fact, Horace began the first of his Odes (Odes, I, 1) under the direction of his new protector. Mecegnate gave full financial support, as well as a property in the mountains of Sabina in the spirit of his Evergetismo were also protected both Propertius that the minor poets Varius Rufus and Rufus Plotius Tucci Valgus DomizioMarso.Per his generosity, which made his name known to all, had the gratitude of the writers, also attested by a later, thanks to writers like Juvenal and Martial. His patronage was not a form of vanity or mere literary dilettantism, but was concerned. He saw the genius of the poets of the time not only a literary ornament, but a way of encouraging and honoring the new political order. The change in tone and purpose between the Eclogues of Virgil and Georiche is precisely the result of direction given by Maecenas to the genius of the poet, as well as in the light of the influence of Maecenas is given the difference between the first odes of Horace, in which declares its Epirus and his total indifference to the affairs of state, and hate civilians. He also attempted to convey the feminine genius of Propertius topics of interest to civil aviation. However, this does not the affection they felt undermined his proteges for him. The fascination exerted on writers of his circle were friendly and sincere. He, in his intimacy, he admitted that always made to be men of valor eguali.Probabilmente much of the wisdom of Maecenas may be found in the Satires and Epistles of Horace. No other patron was allotted to tie the name of the eternal works, such as the Georgics, the first three books of Odes, the first book of Epistole.L 'attitude by Maecenas has become a model: there are numerous schemes which make use of artists and intellectuals to improve its image, an example of patronage was that of De Medici Cosimo the Elder (1389-1464) and his grandson Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492), who collected around them the greatest talents of the time. The word patron, in countries like Italy and France, indicates a person with power or resources to effectively support the creative output of some writers and artists. More generally, by extension, it comes to sponsorship support for activities such as restoration of monuments or support sports activities. It also uses the term to indicate a corporate patron sponsor of entrepreneurial characteristics innovative and risk from which he does not expect immediate financial returns.


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