Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Patty Cake Online Forum

Yellow Mondadori festaggia 80 years

NOVARA, 27 LUG 2009 - 80 years old, the book series that has put his own name to an entire literary genre. Yes, because if in Italy - and only in Italy - referring to a detective story is known as "yellow", you must own this successful series of books by its cover color yellow, which was inaugurated in 1929 by the publisher Mondadori.

The series began on the initiative of Lorenzo Montano and found fertile ground in the entrepreneurial vision of Arnoldo Mondadori, the founder of the publishing house of Segrate, then intends to expand its catalog with a strong injection of foreign authors.

Thus in 1929 came the first volume of the series: it was a novel by SS Van Dine titled "The Strange Death of Mr. Benson." This first set of yellow Mondadori was called "The Yellow Book" and lasted until 1941. After the suspension of publications from Miniculpop decided between 1941 and 1945, the series resumed with renewed momentum in April 1946 under the title "The Yellow Mondadori, which later became" The Yellow Mondadori. The choice of which channel disributivo newsstand, performed immediately after the war, facilitate dissemination to the general public and all levels of society.
Today there are nearly 3000 issues of the series begun in 1946 alone, these should be added the 266 issues published between 1929 and 1941, plus the large number of volumes printed on behalf of the various supplements and necklaces that have taken place in parallel over the years.

The hallmark of all the yellow Mondadori since a number of that back in 1929: the yellow color of the covers. Thanks to it, spread the habit of designating as "yellow" every novel genre. A neologism which soon became common usage.
Agatha Christie became known in Italy by Mondadori in yellow

Agatha Christie became known in Italy by Mondadori in yellow

All the greatest writers of the golden age of the detective genre was launched by the Italian yellow Mondadori by Agatha Christie Ellery Queen, Rex Stout by John Dickson Carr, by Erle Stanley Gardner on Cornell Woolrich, Raymond Chandler, James Hadley Chase, to name a few.

Among the directors of the series, deserve special mention Alberto Tedeschi, the longest, who drove the postwar period in the late seventies, and Oreste del Buono, one of the greatest Italian specialists in the field of popular literature, who directed her in the eighties. Currently, the yellow Mondadori are under the care of a writer-editor the likes of Sergio Altieri.

To properly celebrate the 80 years of the series, the Mondadori publishing house decided to publish in a bookstore, Oscar in the series, some of the titles that have made the history of yellow Mondadori. They are 8 volumes, with the inevitable yellow cover, special edition limited edition on sale 9 euro each.
selected titles and authors are true pillars of genre fiction. Here's the list.
- The 39 STEPS John Buchan (John Buchan)
- Murder on the Orient Express (Agatha Christie)
- The Hound of the Baskervilles (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- THE MALTESE FALCON (Dashiell Hammett)
- THE LAW OF FOUR (Edgar Wallace)
- The Bride Wore Black (Cornell Woolrich)
If you had lost them there is an opportunity to remedy .


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