Monday, February 16, 2009

Anorexia More Condition_symptoms]

Bem-Vindo (= Welcome!)
E 'the greeting at every corner you receive when you arrive in Brazil. It 's the sign of hospitality in Brazil. And 'I hope that my colleagues in the mission, and Rev. Don Daniel Soardo Luca Mainenti and our parish community Holy Trinity in São Luís, turn to the Lord Jesus is among us at Christmas and all the people who know how to recognize heart with simple and poor. "Bem-Vindo" Lord Jesus in the homes and hearts of all friends, relatives and acquaintances who live in Italy. Bem-vindo here in Brazil, where many homes of our parish resemble the hut where you have willed to be born 2000 years ago. Here, too, are animals (dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, mosquitoes, parrots, butterflies, ...) that make you company. You can find a father often drunk and violent, but often there is not even that, are certainly a mother who besides you has many other children to look after. But the joy of brothers and sisters will certainly make you feel "at home".
When we talk of Christmas you think of many situations of poverty and multiply solidarity actions all over the world and also close to our house.
The Latin American Church that we might call an "expert in poverty" because of obvious situations caused by inequality and injustice, has developed a theological and pastoral reflection that can help all the churches and people of good will in its turn a little mentality and way of living the faith.
I have in my hands the "Document of Aparecida, the result of the Conference of Latin American and American Churches Central, with the Pope, have reflected and paved the way for the coming years.
The document speaks, as in previous documents, the 'preferential option for the poor. " The preferential option for the poor is a key issue to define here in Latin America, but not limited to church models. In the document, you can see two trends: • The first
: see the poor as objects of mercy, help, care, concern. According to this view there will be a dynamic service (give more time to the poor, help them in their immediate needs, lifestyle change many times bourgeois of bishops, priests and religious, lay Christians) looking to arrive, from the concrete situations of poverty, a transformation of reality. (No. 397).
• The second: to see the poor as new entrants emerging from a situation of injustice, intolerance, social and economic inequality that cries to heaven. According to this view will have a dynamic of solidarity and prophecy as an attitude of lifelong friendship, brotherhood and service, expressed in a constant accompaniment to "their effort" emancipation. (No. 398).
There is "another world is possible" and the presence of the Lord Jesus among the poor of yesterday and today is the reason for our hope. "Bem-Vindo" Lord Jesus!

• Liturgy: I am discovering the importance of the introduction to the mass and the notices are made by parish lay leaders of the community is immediately apparent that the community and its activities are not dependent on priest ...
• Audience: In each group is essential, and "normal" use of the Bible ....
• Charity: Here you say especially with the parishes "tenth" is the tenth part of their income that many people give freely to their community. A lot less damage. Some give more. But the important is the idea, born of the Jewish biblical tradition, to give a fixed part of what one earns for the needs of the church and for charity. E 'moving to see this widespread practice among the poor and see some old people who receive their pension on time just 10% to bring the leaders of the community to the needs of the parish.

NEWS continue our pastoral and social action in this parish in the suburbs, divided into six communities, each with its own chapel, your Community Board and a calendar packed with more activities.
A special greeting to the new director of the Mission Center in Verona, Don Giuseppe Pizzoli the next will be Jan. 3 to visit with Don Mario Sulmona.
We live with the constant provocation of many churches "evangelical-pentecostal" are born, die and rise like mushrooms in every corner, many people are desperate for an answer "miraculous and immediate" and especially for many young people as "a new fashion bourgeois" (although there are often behind economic and political interests to appease the ambitions of Justice) and is a daily challenge for us to announce a consistent and try to go way ecumenical seem impossible. The day of Pentecost in 2007 our parish has been a meeting with representatives of various associations and various churches on the theme of violence and security in our neighborhood. It could be a sign that we can and we must meet on the concrete problems of the people.
The public authority seems absent. Unfortunately most people are waiting in vain for the proposed series of true justice.
addition to the new site of the Mission Center in Verona: "" we have a website for more information and photos on our mission in Italian and Portuguese: " that youth of Soave, together with Giuliana we have prepared.
Yet, despite everything, very moving: there is enthusiasm and hope for change. Some of our parishioners are already beginning to trust us "foreign missionaries." Here the emotion is evident: it often happens that people in the confessions and cry when we are thankful for the social projects I've seen more than a few mom cry of joy. I place these tears of sorrow and hope, along with the smiles of children, in the heart of the Lord and in the heart of all the people out there that are very, very close. All my best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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