Monday, February 16, 2009

Christian Phrase To Write In Sympathy Card

Happy Easter 2007!

Pascoe Feliz!
(Happy Easter!)
I'm back in the Mission. After two months spent in Italy (February and March) have returned just in time for Holy Week. The time spent in Italy is spent quickly. At first I attended the commitments related to the Conference of the Missionaries of Verona "Fidei Donum" encyclical 50 years that the diocese also opened (and not just religious) the Church's missionary thrust. It 'been a time of testing and awareness of the entire diocese in the hope that, as the final document of the Conference, the "Fidei Donum," priests and lay people around the world are a small but significant "sign of the collegiality of the Church ": that the churches of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Oceania can learn to" walk together "in respecting diversity and in the one faith. After the Missionary Conference
I could accompany my father in the last days of his life. He ill for several years, by special design of Providence, has been waiting for you to come to spend the last moments together. Potergli asked me to administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. After his departure a few days I stayed with her mother and then I returned to Brazil in time for Easter celebrations.
While I thank all of the attention, gestures of solidarity and prayers, especially during the funeral of his father, forgive me if I could not be present as I wished, but in the end, even here, in front of so many things that we would to do, I think the important thing is not to do anything but "being there" when you can and as you can with zeal but without anxiety, without blaming others for what they do not, be in a meaningful way to help us with discover in every situation, reasons for hope that the Lord has truly sown everywhere.
especially thank the fellow priests for signals sharing the common mission and priestly fraternity aware that among so many old and new problems of the post-Pentecost Easter is always the foundation of the joy of announcing the possibility of the Vita Nuova.
While I was in Italy I took part willingly to put together some Brazilian residents in our diocese of Verona, who meet every second Sunday of the month in Peschiera. There I had the joy of baptizing the baby Antony.
They have expressed their intention to donate their Lenten offerings for our mission. I believe that in the midst of many difficulties that immigrants in Italy are experiencing the fact that Brazilians get involved in other Brazilians in need is truly significant.
In our Diocese of São Luís a Brazilian priest offered his availability to travel to Mozambique in Africa as a "fidei donum". It 's the first in the history of the entire state of Maranhão. Unfortunately
among the hopeful signs there are also reasons of sadness: Holy Thursday has died in a car accident teenager altar of the parish, full of life and joy. What saddens me and makes me a bit 'angry is the reason of the accident: the asphalt was wrong, as is often the roads here, in a national road with heavy traffic, has caused the overturning of the bus which was traveling with Joan his family. As usual, public expenditures are directed to the parties that the social work and public utilities.
While I extend to each and all best wishes for a life of Easter, I invite you to send me some suggestions about the daily life and the Church: in particular with respect to the path of implementation of the Synod of the Church of Verona, the reception of the sacraments, the priorities in your families and communities, some young people experience significant. Thanks!

The Pope comes to visit!
In mid-May, Pope Benedict XVI will be in Brazil and will begin the work of the Fifth General Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean, after those of Rio de Janeiro (1955), Medellín (Colombia, 1968) Puebla (Mexico, 1979) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic, 1992). The National Shrine of Brazil Nossa Senhora Aparecida "there will be representatives of 22 episcopal conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean, some Representatives of the Episcopal Council of Europe, Asia and Africa, religious, priests, lay people, deacons, theologians and observers from non-Catholic Christian churches and other religions (around 280 people).
Bishop Odilo Pedro Scherer, secretary-general of the CNBB (General Conference of Bishops of Brazil) presents the event as historical and ecclesial situation in the current Brazilian (but maybe that has nothing in common with our Italian and European).

"After the Conference de Santo Domingo 15 years ago, the great social and cultural changes have led to new pressures to the mission of the Church in Latin America. The effects of globalization be seen everywhere. Urbanization has increased and the problems of large urban concentrations have increased. Certainly there was an economic improvement, but the distribution for all the opportunities and income still remains a dream for most people. Emigration from our continent is a significant problem today, not devoid of suffering and humiliation. Violence is part of everyday life and is helped by the absence of the state and from insufficient political series. Big business, operated by criminal organizations, thrive on the side of the company, generating confidence in the rule of law.
Times have changed for the Church. It is not more political repression to call in question, to defend human rights and democratic freedoms. Today it faces far more profound questions about the ethics of life and the person, the right of the poor and small, not to succumb to the logic of the market, and the participation of all the common good. The conservation of the environment and the future of life on the planet require global solidarity and a change of lifestyle and economic organization. New questions ask for discernment and moral stances. Anxiety, well justified, to solve the problems of poverty and health of the population and the project is very understandable, to assert the individual rights can not be tempted to pass over the fundamental rights and universal, such as human dignity, justice and full respect for human life.
Unfortunately, religion can be reduced to the logic of the market and interest, by offering products for individual satisfaction. The mobility of religion is a complex phenomenon which concerns not only the Catholic Church. The new religious proposals, followed by many, require new skills in the exercise of discernment and mission of the Church.
These and many other issues will be addressed in this conference. It will be a great opportunity to check on the Church's presence among the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. It wants to "hear the voice of God at this time." Dad will be in Brazil to "confirm his brethren in faith", according to its mission (Luke 22:32) and to encourage them to participate in building society, according to the values \u200b\u200bof the Christian faith. "


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