Monday, February 16, 2009

Congratulate New Baby

Mission Start

their relatives, friends,
the Church of God in Verona,
and all people who have the patience to read this simple

attempt to "listen" to the Brazilian reality
from new missionary.

Graças a Deus!

"Graças a Deus" = "Thank God": the phrase is typical of the Brazilian people who thus manifests his way of conceiving life, in the midst of a lot of contradictions, but especially with trust in God that covers the skin from every corner of life.
I arrived in Brazil January 27, 2006 together with the Bishop Verona father Flavio Roberto Carraro, with Don Mario Sulmona (which Veronese years following the missionaries in all parts of the world), Don Ottavio Todeschini (director of the Mission Centre), Ezio Falavegna Don (former secretary general of the Synod), and Silvia Chiara (journalist and cameraman of "Light of the World") and spiritually with you all.
sit on the plane, in this first missionary journey, alongside our bishop, and feel a part of the deep ocean and the sky and the other for your prayers, inviting me to look ahead, it was just a beautiful Missionary Baptism.
arrived late at night in the city of Fortaleza, with interior lights turned off for the plane be able to see the magic of the lights on the ground, I immediately had the perception Brazilian hospitality.
In Fortaleza I was with the entire delegation for 2 days together with the community, "Regina Pacis" and other reality and not Verona. I could appreciate the wonderful work of many missionaries who are moving with great difficulty, but also with many helps and friendships. Especially in Fortaleza I took note of an attempt to deep between different ecclesial communion in a large piece of land called "condominium" (consisting of groups and movements, institutions of seclusion, and attention from volunteers with different powers). This "building" (not a skyscraper but a series of nearby houses with green areas) is in the middle of the edge of town, near the airport, and is then immersed in the reality of the people, but at the same time is also a sign of ecclesial communion.
visit with the bishop and some Favelas some realities of marginalization of Fortaleza asked me a series of questions about why most people in the world has to live like that and showed me the path of the missionary journey of the Church to be a small concrete sign of hope, a hope that can only come from us.
On January 29 I arrived in São Luis and immediately began the work of the Conference of Missionaries in Latin America. There were about sixty and we have worked hard putting together the wide variety of backgrounds, but all significant.
reports on the conference can be found on the site of the Diocese of Verona "in" Mission Center. " On 4 March at 20.30 at the CMU (Massimo S. seminar) will be presented a DVD of the conference and the visit of the Bishop in Brazil.
So I started with a week of real school of mission and missionary fraternity, together with his friend Franco Falconi (former co-pastor of pastoral Valdadige unit and now a missionary in Cuba).
On February 2, together with all the missionaries and the Bishop went for the first time in the parish of Holy Trinity together with the communities where we celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. At the end of Mass, the bishop called me for a short greeting (the first words wrong and the little microphone that worked) and then announced the official start of my ministry for the following Sunday.

Sunday, February 5, in the parish church in the presence of the community gathered for the occasion in a "single mass", the Bishop of São Luis, our Bishop of Verona, the missionaries left for a few days after the end of the Congress ( including the beloved Don Franco) have officially signed the agreement between the Church of Verona and the São Luis for this "adoption" the parish "Holy Trinity". In the end there was my official greeting in which I invoked God's mercy and patience to Don and Don Luca Daniel and the entire community to accompany my service in Brazil. Everything, it seems, was held without a "big mistake". Eventually many of these went to the opening of a community center run by the Sisters of the Holy Family, on the border of the territory of our parish, the parish in the task of the Don Calabria. This center, built largely with money 8 per thousand of the Italian Church, will be a reference to many family and medical nutritional the area.
And so began my (nostra!) adventure in Brazil. I'm living the first days in the attitude of every fundamental change the parish priest: This is the attitude of the audience, due in part to learn the language (very different from the books) but mainly by the need to understand such a complex reality and contradictory, so full of wealth and poverty, both material and spiritual and moral. The play, first attitude shown by our Synod, becomes the beginning of my service here, a style which I hope will take me forever. Already begin to realize what was important pastoral experience lived in the unit above the Adige Valley and in the pastoral community of priests.
Currently there are logistical problems and health: Don Luca Daniel and Don have made to build a new parsonage house and organized the problems of accommodation and meals as well as possible here.
For the moment I listen to and then later I'll tell you something more precise about the reality around me and in which God works wonders.
Sincere thanks to everyone for the many gestures and expressions of friendship. God bless your hearts! The first e-mail that I found in Brazil had attached the ultrasound picture of the child being born to Christian and Federica. Thanks!

ABOUT CARNIVAL! You can not help but speak in these days of Carnival in Brazil. I do not have the competence nor the space for long disquisitions on the meaning of carnival. Just try to say something. Usually the carnival and its meaning in Italy as in Brazil, is associated with the excesses of Carnival Events: escape from reality, irony on the events and people, unbridled fun, vent masked the problems of life .... It seems that the carnival has become a way of thinking and facing life without too rational, continuous action, firm commitments, ... They are all real things!
But, perhaps, Brazil, with its cult of body and embodiment (expressed both in religion and in daily life) reminds me that "the meat is," not only rationality, not just the spirit. If God sent his Son to "incarnate" If Jesus Christ is risen with his real body, I think if Christians proclaim the resurrection of the body, probably the carnival can be a real "anthropological departure" of the Lenten journey, from which can not be ignored if you want to be respectful of the whole human person loved by God fully the consequences of these considerations could be: to live the carnival, not as a concealment of something but as a revelation of an identity profound and original, respect and value the many expressions of the embodiment in everyday life and religious, to promote those moral choices that lead to the promotion of the human person, his health and inner and outer beauty, ... Certainly no one can stop the embodiment but only if they can do without, because it is part of our lives and is loved by God and Happy Carnival Happy Lent!
Hello everyone!


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