Monday, February 16, 2009

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August 2006 May 2006 February 2006

"Tudo Bem? Tudo Bem " (Typical Brazilian phrase always used in the greetings)

Greetings from Sao Luis and thanks to many people in so many ways I have indicated their friendship and have supported me with prayer. After three months, especially dedicated to "listen" and groped to learn the language I'm beginning to take its first steps in the community. Luckily, Don and Don Luca Daniel accompanied me so patiently. Day after day I realize that words have a story behind that one word in the dictionary that has meaning for other people assume or assume different shades. So write this letter in Italian becomes increasingly difficult because I do not know the value that the words have for you today (even if little time has passed since my departure from Italy). Who knows how many stories, events have happened in your families and in your-our Christian community and I, not knowing, I can hardly bear them in mind in the words used in this letter. But when you listen to and talk with the heart than even what you do not know completely.
I think will be useful, before speaking of actuality of my experience here in Brazil, learn a bit 'of Brazilian history. Brazil is already inhabited by about 30,000 years. With the discovery of America began the period of colonization by Portugal in particular, but also from Spain, France, Holland, ... In previous centuries there was the sad phenomenon of the "slave trade" from Africa. Then there was the phenomenon of immigration. Brazil is thus presented as the synthesis of many different peoples with their cultures, religions, stories, mostly Indians, Portuguese and African. The phenomenon of colonization ended with independence from a particular state (Portugal), but almost went with another dependence on multinationals from other countries. So the abolition of slavery resulted in the abandonment of practice most people under the new slavery of unemployment, homeless and landless. In recent times, Brazil is experiencing economic growth, owing mainly to very low wages and exploitation of raw materials. But the abysmal social inequalities are very few people have much and many things have not sufficient for a dignified life. (Example: in our neighborhood, many families are struggling to obtain even water). In recent decades there has been added to urbanization: people move from the countryside on the outskirts of the city in search of a mirage of life and deals with the desperate often uncultivated land of large estates.
Which brings us to the history of our parish in the summer of 1996 while in Atlanta (United States) were in the Olympics, on the outskirts of Sao Luis was held an extraordinary event for the large number of people involved: about 15,000 families (from many situations of poverty within) occupied an area belonging to a local firm fallow. After months of struggle, destruction of buildings and sheds, struggles with the police, legal wrangles, in the early months of 1997 came to an agreement: the government of the Maranao, one of 27 states that make up Brazil, where in fact is the capital city of this state, Sao Luis, expropriated the land and gave the occupants divided into batches of 10 to 20 meters. The families won the right way (which is worth an Olympic medal) for a place to build your own home. The area was therefore called the Olympic City. The district now has 60,000 people. The pastoral responsibility
the new district was first entrusted to the nearby parish where he operates the Institute "Don Calabria" and later became an autonomous parish consists of six communities: Holy Trinity, Saint Lucia, Saint Anne, the Merciful Jesus, Divine Spirit and Assumption. Since late 1994, the parish is entrusted to the diocese of Verona.
In reality there are many other Christian communities Protestants (Pentecostals) in the area.
You can imagine the problems a different neighborhood so include: difficulties adapting to the city for people used to live in the country, health problems, school, work, etc.. How
Christian community try to live and witness the Gospel nell'assistenzialismo trying not to fall but focusing mainly on training that can provide employment opportunities or at least a sense of dignity. On the various parish projects, as well as on many other things, maybe I'll be more precise in the next episodes.
Let me give a special greeting to my fellow priestly ordination on 25 May 1985 and their families.

Prayer to Our Lady

how beautiful your name or Mary Cantando life much joy!
In your name, the name of each woman, that life is always God's will

how beautiful your face or Mary; peace and tenderness, light shines!
In your eyes, every young person can see the certainty of the future, reborn!

How beautiful are thy hands, O Mary, open door of the guide star, which is Jesus!
A hand to comfort the crying and the other to encourage those who are struggling!

How beautiful are thy feet, O Mary, descend from the mountains, peace ads!
most faithful companion of my people in the paths of tomorrow, a new world.

How beautiful your belly, or Mary, which bears the fruit of prophecy.
Who is faithful to the love in life, is a prophet of God Emmanuel

(attempted translation from one Zé Vicente poetry)


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