Friday, February 25, 2011

What To Write In A Wedding Card Funny

on a bed of noodles with zucchini

noodles? Or you love them or hate them, I love them and so I learned to cook. In fact you should know that in my city and I stress the city there is a Chinese restaurant, and since my family will let me greedy are adept in Chinese cooking. I prepare them with zucchini, peppers and chicken breast because my daughters do not like the fish, but if you prefer you can substitute chicken with shrimp, salted not until the end because the soy sauce is quite salty so taste first. The result? EXCELLENT ... what good is I can not use chopsticks, lately I've seen on the internet beautiful and I decided that I must learn to use them so if anyone of you is able and wishes to teach me I would be grateful!

100g noodles
2 zucchini, dark green peppers 2
150g chicken breast or chopped (150g peeled shrimps)
1 small onion
2-3 tablespoons soy sauce
a nut
Q, B. oil and salt

Clean the peppers and remove the seeds, wash and cut into strips. Tick \u200b\u200bthe zucchini but do not peel them with a knife and cut them in half lengthwise and try to eliminate the inside (the sponge), now slice thinly. In a frying pan with a little olive oil place the thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion, peppers and zucchini (hot pepper if you like) and cook for 10 minutes. Add chicken, a glass of water, the die and continue cooking for another 15 minutes on low heat (if you decided to use shrimp add them to the last 5 minutes of cooking).

At this point turn off the heat and add the soy sauce. Bring to a boil a pot of salted water and lessateci spaghetti for 3 minutes, then drain and pour into the pan with the sauce, mix well and serve if you like adding another soy sauce. Very good!


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